Purchased Skytrak launch monitor and game improvement plan, It took me some time to understand how to align the device, really painful without any help.
Thankfully, I found an American website explaining it by following six steps, since then, the ball flight make more sense but still trying to working out the driver, the distance and dispersion are awkward.
I have no complaints at all, except for the driver, the SkytraK is fantastic, and am in love with the game improvement package. I have been tuning my club's gap and the summary outcome from Skytrak is phenomenal.
I downloaded E6 and played it a few times, in my opinion, I don't see myself playing too much E6, I prefer the game improvement package because I love the practice sessions.
If you have some spare cash, don't hesitate and pull the trigger, since I bought it, I have been training min 2 hours daily and I can see good results, the dispersion has been reduced and the power consistency has increased. Therefore, I don't need to go to the driving range anymore, more time at home, win-win for me.
Lastly, I set it up in the garage, which is very convenient TBH. It doesn't require too much room, I bought a net, the floor mat and that's it. Simple, and of course a couple of beers after my sessions with the wife.